Shred celery, carrot and shallot in a very delicate way and brown them together.
Add beans (previously simmered) and season everything for a few minutes.
Drain the ditali and cook by mixing with a wooden spoon according to the cooking times recommended for the pasta you’ve chosen. Add some broth with a ladle if the soup tends to dry out.
Prepare, with any fresh fish, small balls by boiling the fish and meld it with Parmigiano and crumb.
Fry everything before serving.
Turn off the fire, see if the quantity of salt is sufficient and add pleasantly smelling pepper.
Finally, let it heaten up for 5 minutes before serving with a little bit of oil and with the fish-balls as decoration.
• 250 g. of beans of Controne
• Garlic
• Oil
• Celery
• 2 spoonfuls of tomato sauce
• Carrots
• Lard of “colonnata”
• 300 g. of Ditali Gerardo Di Nola